Pumpkin Palooza 2023
Presented by McGarvey PFO
The crisp autumn air, colorful leaves, and pumpkin-spiced everything can only mean one thing – it's time for the Pumpkin Palooza! Sponsored by the PFO, this festive event promises to be an unforgettable evening of fun with carnival games, food trucks, glow store, photo booth, and much more! Save the date:
Friday, October 27, 2023
5:00 PM to 8:00 PM
McGarvey Elementary
4350 Sophistry Drive
Note: Students must be accompanied by an adult - no drop-offs.
This event will help raise money for McGarvey Elementary School. Plan for a full night as we families, community members, and local businesses to fill the McGarvey campus!
Purchase wristbands or tickets
Presale is closed. Please purchase at the event. $15 per wristband or $1 a ticket.
How to be involved
We need your help to make sure this event is a smashing success. Here is how to be involved:
Volunteer for the Event
We need volunteers! Whether you can spare an hour or the whole evening, your contribution matters. Please sign up at the link below:
Donate/Loan Items
We're looking for decorations and supplies. Check out our donation and loaner items list:
Feed the Candy Monster
Candy donations can be dropped off in the Monster Can located at the school's front door. We are in need of LOTS of candy!
Want to Sponsor our event?
You can find the sponsorship letter attached here. Reach out to Brittany at roomparents@rjmepfo.org or Rehana at msrehreh@gmail.com if you have questions or are interested in sponsoring.